Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Not-So-Triumphant Return

Greetings readers! (If there are any left)
  I'm posting to let you know that I'm returning to the wonderful land of Japan on June 4th.  That is the day I'm set to travel from Atlanta. I will accompanied by two wonderful ladies named Sarah (Hooper) and Sarah (Johnson). Without both of them, Perkins, our friend Britney, and my dad this trip wouldn't be possible. So thanks ya'll.
  I'd also like to thank my sister and my brother-in-law for letting me stay at their lovely home near Savannah, Georgia until it's time for me to go to Atlanta. You're both wonderful. I love you and the boys.
  I'll be posting here as frequently as possible. I'm hoping that I can get the mobile application for iphone to work so I can post on the go. If you want to stay up-to-date with me, check here frequently. In the interim, I'll be posting my pre-Japan adventures in Savannah, my packing plan (of rage), and, hopefully, some pictures. I hope you will tune in to this blog for my future updates!